For the buyer, a home inspection is an opportunity to discover the true condition of the property, before owning it! A good inspector can save you from making a costly mistake, or can help give you confidence in the decision to invest. With an idea of what problems may arise and when they may present themselves, the buyer can plan for the future. In addition to the general condition of the property, safety concerns will also be addressed. Safety is of the utmost importance to many families and a home inspection can reveal potentially dangerous situations. In today's day and age, having a home inspection is almost a no-brainer. When making the biggest financial transaction of your life, it only makes sense to "look under the hood" first. A house literally has thousands of parts. It takes a specially trained professional to understand and properly evaluate all of those parts. While the home inspection report should not be used as a checklist of items for the seller to repair, it's a great negotiating tool and usually pays for itself many times over. Even if a home is fairly new and seems well maintained, a good inspector will usually find several dozen defects. And yes, brand new homes built by well-known builders usually have many defects too, often costly ones. In fact, sometimes important components such as the roof or air conditioner are installed improperly or incompletely. Once you close on the home, you'll be working with the warranty department, who usually tries very hard NOT to fix anything! Even if the seller got a home inspection prior to listing the property for sale, you should still get your own home inspection. The seller may show you the report and tell you the home is a 'pre-certified home'. Sellers who care enough to get a pre-listing inspection should be commended - most sellers have pre-listing inspections because they want to be honest and comply with state disclosure laws. However, it's possible other problems have surfaced since their inspection was performed, even in a very short time and even if the home has been vacant. If the seller had repairs performed based on the pre-listing inspection, the repairs may have been done incorrectly or some repairs can even create additional problems. Know as much as possible about your new home before closing. Get it inspected! EXPERIENCE MATTERS!! Arizona requires home inspectors to be licensed, and Homewerx requires all of our Home Inspectors to join ASHI® (the only home inspector association that has an experience requirement). Buyers may also want to consider ordering an Arizona
Disclosure Report or a Neighborhood
Environmental Report. ...Because an Ounce of Inspection is worth a Pound of Repair!
Remember to protect your investment. Call for an inspection today! (480) 503-2611 Outside the Phoenix-metro area, call toll-free: 1-888-THE-WERX Save 10% when you schedule online!
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...Helping To Cover Your Assets since 1999.
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